We regularly produce two kinds of Frittata for breakfast, in the summer Zucchini Frittata and at this time of year Winter Frittata. It's a variation of a recipe by Mollie Katzen from her book
Sunlight Cafe. With its hearty, strong flavors and colors, it's ideal for a cold winter's morning!
You will need: a bunch of red/ruby swiss chard, 2 tablespoons olive oil, 2 cups sliced red onion, 2 1/2 cups thinly sliced red potatoes (washed, not peeled), 1 tsp salt, 3 tsps dried rosemary, 9 large eggs, freshly ground black pepper and 4 oz soft goat cheese.
1. Remove the swiss chard stalks, and chop them into 1/2 inch pieces. Roughly chop the leaves, and store them in a bag in the fridge to keep fresh.
2. Fry the onion, potato, salt, rosemary and chard stalks in the oil for 5 minutes stirring continuously, then cover and cook for about 10 minutes until the potato is tender. You can do this in the evening, and store the cooked vegetables in the fridge.
3. In the morning, wilt the chard leaves for a few seconds in a little boiling water and drain. Then beat the eggs, add the cooked vegetables, wilted chard leaves, and some black pepper. Crumble in the goat cheese.
4. Pour into an oiled preheated ovenproof skillet (cast iron is ideal) and cook until the bottom is set and the edges are starting to firm up.
5. Finally, broil under high heat until the top is set and just beginning to brown. Enjoy!